Course curriculum

    1. Course Introduction

    2. What you'll learn

    1. Commonly Used Terms

    2. Understanding How Language is Processed

    3. Activity: Scenario - Which is BICS? Which is CALP?

    4. Developing Language Proficiency Through Subskills

    5. Activity: Can you define these terms?

    6. Check for Understanding (Quiz)

    1. Language Proficiency Levels and Characteristics

    2. Activity: Which language proficiency level is each student?

    3. English Language Proficiency Standards: Writing a Language Objective

    4. Sheltered Instruction

    5. Check for Understanding (Quiz)

    1. Factors That Influence Listening and Speaking

    2. Understanding How Listening and Speaking Develop

    3. Activity: Beginning English Learners

    4. Activity: Intermediate English Learners

    5. Check for Understanding (Quiz)

    1. Factors That Influence Reading and Writing

    2. Understanding How Reading and Writing Develop

    3. Instructional Support for Reading and Writing

    4. Activity: Which activity is most appropriate for each student?

    5. Check for Understanding (Quiz)

    1. Quiz

About this course

  • $39.99
  • 26 lessons

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